Tibetan School Program

The Tibetan Sunday School Program is an educational initiative designed to serve the Tibetan community and preserve its rich cultural heritage, language, and traditions. Its primary purpose is to provide a nurturing and inclusive environment where Tibetan children and youth can learn about their heritage, history, language, and values, ensuring the continuity of Tibetan culture and identity in diaspora communities around the world.
Key objectives and purposes of the  Utah Tibetan Sunday School Program include:
Cultural Preservation: The program aims to safeguard and promote Tibetan culture, which includes traditional music, dance, art, and spiritual practices. By passing on these cultural elements to younger generations, the program helps maintain a strong sense of Tibetan identity.
Language Education: One of the program’s central goals is to teach and promote the Tibetan language. Language is a cornerstone of culture, and by ensuring that Tibetan children can speak, read, and write in their native tongue, the program helps maintain a vital aspect of their heritage.
Community Building: The Sunday School often serves as a hub for the Tibetan community, fostering a sense of belonging and unity among Tibetans living in different parts of the world. It provides a platform for families to connect, share experiences, and support one another.
Ethical and Values Education: In addition to cultural and linguistic education, the program emphasizes teaching traditional values and ethics, promoting compassion, non-violence. 
Awareness and Advocacy: Tibetan Sunday Schools may incorporate discussions and educational activities related to the Tibetan cause, human rights, and the political situation in Tibet, helping to raise awareness and advocate for the Tibetan people’s rights.
In summary, the Tibetan Sunday School Program serves as a vital institution for the Tibetan community, focusing on cultural preservation, language education, community building, and the transmission of values. Through these efforts, it plays a crucial role in nurturing a new generation of Tibetans who are well-equipped to uphold their heritage and contribute to the larger community in Utah.
As of 2023, we currently have 5 committed volunteer teachers who teach reading, writing, cultural tibetan song and dance classes. Adopting a lot of the SEE Learning Initiative which is a program created by the Emory University to provide educators with the tools to foster social, emotional and ethical intelligence in students.  We have a total of 35 students and 3 levels of classes. We also have plans to expand the Sunday school program by building new classrooms in the future.